Captain Tsubasa Rewatch - Season 1

Over the next months (years?) I'm going to rewatch Captain Tsubasa. I plan to make a few notes on every episode, that will hopefully lead to a larger, more focused article about the show later on.
01 - 大空へはばたけ
This is a great first episode for a show that we now know became a massive success. Tsubasa is immediately likeable and the stage for the first challenge - Tsubasa vs. Genzo - was expertly set. I can feel excitement about wanting to know whether Tsubasa can score a goal on Genzo.
02 - 燃えろサッカー小僧
With this episode, we get a good idea for the direction of the next 10(?) episodes: Tsubasa will train with Nankatsu's team to prepare for their match with Genzo's team at Shutetsu. Tsubasa's reasoning for his choice to go to Nankatsu is interesting: He feels that he can learn most from having Genzo as his rival.

I look forward to the team building and training of Tsubasa's team, but I can't predict what role Roberto Hongo will play. He is an excellent player for sure, but how well will he be able to teach?
03 - 明日に向って、キック・オフ
The first episode I really liked. We learn a lot about Roberto Hongo and his reasons for wanting to mentor Tsubasa are acceptable enough. I almost missed how Hongo, although he has played professionally for Brazil, calls Japan his native country. That explains him speaking the language and also having such an interest in Tsubasa!

The montage of how the Nankatsu players are sneaking out of the houses and shops of their parents is adorable. In the training match with Nishigaoka we see the first appearance of another player (Hanji Urabe) who I think will become important later on. The ending, with Nankatsu's team walking home against the setting sun is absolutely beautiful and makes me very happy I picked this show for a rewatch.
04 - ボールは友だち
Taro promises to be an interesting character, possibly someone who loves football as much as Tsubasa? Genzo's determination is emphasized once again, but I hope he can soon transform his desperate fixation on beating Tsubasa into more positive aspirations.

There was a small detail in Genzo's training montage, where in the frame he's wearing gloves where in the other he isn't. I wonder if it's an oversight or intentionally implying that he's practicing with and without gloves.
05 - ライバルはどこだ
The build-up of this episode is perfect. I'm just really excited to see how this match will go. Tsubasa playing as sweeper is interesting, but I would be surprised if this the only strategy that Hongo has prepared with Nankatsu's team.

I remember watching the short scene in which Tsubasa is competing in the 200m sprint with his ball (and wins!) when I was young. It's a pretty minor event in the overall story, but back then it left a huge impression for me. I loved running maybe more than Tsubasa and I was so surprised to see how he could run so fast with a soccer ball.
06 - ゴールをかためろ
So, here we are: A full episode for one half-time of a game. I don't mind it though and expect it to get even "worse", I can easily imagine three full episode for one match.

Genzo seems to be getting more and more bitter. While Tsubasa is thriving on the rivalry with him, Genzo seems almost scared and desperate. The end of the episode shows the most determined and sincere Tsubasa we have seen so far - he wants to win! All in all, this is probably one of the weaker episodes so far. I wonder if I just don't like the games as much?
07 - 運命のロングシュート
Ishizaki's moment of courage. I really like that he is in fact remaining the captain of the team - he was somewhat joking about that before. His courage and determination enable Nankatsu's equalizer.

08 - さわやかコンビ誕生
A great episode! Finally Genzo is starting to show some positive character development, taking responsibility and leading his team. Much more important than scoring the 2-1 goal, was his acting as captain encouraging and directing his teammates.

That Taro would already join this game came a bit of a surprise to me. I like him well enough and the teacher constantly pointing out how cute he is added some humor, especially if she's going to get into some sort of competition with Anego over who is cuter: Taro or Tsubasa.
We're down 3 episodes for a single match, I do hope it's going wrap up the game next episode, but I have a feeling it won't be that easy. I'm somewhat worried about the standard the show is setting with this - here it's only a local school tournament, but how much more epic could, say, a national final get? Ten, fifteen, twenty episodes!?
09 - ラストチャンスにかけろ
The match ends in a draw! All around good moments, the students cheering for the players of their school team, the moment of sportsmanship after the final whistle and Tsubasa thanking Anego's troupe for their support.

I'm excited for what's about to come. I honestly don't really need a Tsubasa-Genzo or even Nankatsu-Shutetsu rematch, but I'm rather excited for new teams with new players at the national tournaments!
10 - 夢はブラジルへ
I must admit I'm a bit confused. Tsubasa will leave with Roberto to go Brazil, but only after playing in the national tournament? And he won't play with Nankatsu but with the selection team (assuming he gets picked)? What about his school team? He won't play and train with them at all? Hope this all gets clearer in the next episode!
11 - はぐれ狼小次郎あらわる
So, Tsubasa can only go to Brazil with Roberto if they win the national championship? I'm sad that there's no reasoning given at all for this. The show's flaws have been revealing themselves more and more the last episodes. I'm not sure if they have used more than three themes throughout the show so far, only one of which (the title theme) I really find appealing. But I'm hopeful this will approve a bit later down the road.

Hyuga's introduction is… interesting. I like him quite a bit, but him showing up in Nankatsu seems strange. The rolled up sleeves is such a clever and recognizable feat of his personality, I'm excited to see him compete with Tsubasa and Genzo. Also, Ishizaki fight!
12 - めざせ! 日本一
Ah! Finally we get the information why Tsubasa has to win the championship to be able to go to Brazil - it's the deal he struck with Roberto. Well, ok. On a more positive note, we get to learn more about Hyuga's background and his motivation to win the national championship.

I like the idea of him "abandoning" his team. He knows fully well that he can't win the national championship by himself and needs the support of his teammates and by abandoning them in the regionals he is giving them the chance to step out of his shadow and realize their own potential.
13 - 泥まみれの熱戦
A first test for Nankatsu FC and particularly Tsubasa. He has to lead his team, just as much as Genzo does. The rain starting half way throughout the match gave the scenario and unexpectedly appealing touch. The fans opening their umbrellas in the stands, the ball jumping in puddles, I think the animation and sound was very well done.

In contrast, Meiwa FC's game was bright and quick. Hyuga makes his comeback to the team and can convince to play his style of soccer. I'm very much intrigued by Hyuga's partner, Takeshi, and want to learn more about him soon!
14 - フィールドの貴公子
I'm always going to be very happy when sportsmanship is emphasized in Captain Tsubasa. The games and episodes are going at a very high pace at the moment, I'm really hoping for some more stories being told away from soccer field.

I am very curious about Jun Misugi though. He seems very analytical and Hyuga has a high opinion of him. I can't wait to see Misugi in action!
15 - 傷だらけのキーパー
Nankatsu defeats Shimizu FC in the final and qualifies for the national tournament! Other than Wakabayashi's injury getting even more of a story anchor than I would have thought, again the most interesting bit to me happened off the field: Ishizaki's mum berating him for begging Tsubasa to score and teaching him to stand for himself was great:
"If you want to play, then do it on your own! Be a man!"
16 - 夢はひとつ燃えろイレブン
Fantastic episode! Genzo's injury being worse than expected does make for a very interesting storyline. He will not play until they face Meiwa FC, but will then have his revenge against Hyuga. My prediction for the tournament is that Meiwa and Nankatsu meet in the semi-finals with Nankatsu emerging victorious but losing against Misugi Jun's team, Musashi FC, in the final.

Morisaki's determination and development was inspiring. The training at the beach, him not willing to give up until the 100 shots are done. Tsubasa shooting with his full strength. I appreciate that so much, but again am disappointed that it was only episode of training. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the tournament, but I would have loved for some more stories and development in Nankatsu before they leave.
17 - 開幕! 全国大会
Wow, this episode went fast. One of my favourites so far, for sure. Both the introductions of the Tachibana twins and Taichi Nakanishi, the giant goal keeper were perfect. I liked experiencing the beginning of the tournament through Ishizaki, who probably has never dreamed who would one day attend the national tournament as a player.
It's interesting that they will play Meiwa in the first match. I think that Nankatsu will loose badly, turning their standing as a reigning champion (sort of) and a favourite for this year's tournament into the role as an underdog. Maybe not, we'll see!

One last bit I'm really intrigued by is the residence they're staying in. Is that building built under a ski jumping ramp? I tried to find out more, if perhaps it's inspired by a real building in Japan, but I couldn't find anything for now.
18 - 宿命の対決! 翼VS小次郎
Tsubasa and Hyuga clash, both with an impressive display of their characteristic style of play: Technique vs. Strength. The match is bound to get even more interesting and, I'm afraid, more brutal.
The little side story of Anego's troupe hitching a ride to the game was charming, but I'm wondering about both the driver and this other man and woman spectator. What are their deals? Why did the driver suddenly have to leave? And what's with the man and woman with binoculars, how are they so well informed?
19 - 恐怖の弾丸シュート
The yet to be introduced man and woman are apparently looking for a striker for their team, but what could it be? Are they supposed to be foreigners? An elite academy? Who will they decide for?
The game is much more interesting and even than I thought, I have predicted Nankatsu to loose badly, but I don't mind at all being wrong. I still believe that they won't win, but so far they have maybe even outplayed Meiwa. I also feel that Ishizaki's big moment will come soon, but maybe not yet against Meiwa.
20 - サッカーは俺の夢だ!
Ah, so they are here to recruit a striker for their team in Touhou. I can't see Tsubasa going and a scholarship is Hyuga's dream, so I hope it's going to work out for him.

Hyuga's duel with Tsubasa was great to watch and evenly matched. We don't yet know "who's soccer" is going to win!
21 - 泣くな! 翼
Tsubasa crying after the match surprised me, it really shows just how much he likes soccer and wants to compete in this championships, but also that he still is a child. Hyuga can't feel elated about winning at all, he knows that Tsubasa has bested him in many of their duels.
I'm also surprised about just how much I wanted Meiwa and Hyuga to win. I don't think that was quite the intention of the show writers, but I really do feel for Hyuga and in many ways, I can relate to him more than to Tsubasa. The next match against the Tachibana twins promises to be a lot of fun and very exciting!
22 - 双子のストライカー
Nankatsu vs. Hanawa is on and the Tachibana twins don't disappoint. I'm excited to see how much they will be able to do, but I can't imagine a scenario where Nankatsu won't be able to win this game. Also, we see Ishizaki playing for the first time, I'm excited!

I'm not sure I understand Hyuga's logic in letting their game vs Hanawa end in a draw intentionally. He says that Nankatsu is their rival, so his hope was that they will be knocked out of the tournament by Hanawa? If so, it really shows how different he his from Tsubasa, who choose Nankatsu over Shutetsu just to be able to play against his rival Genzo.
23 - 石崎の大チョンボ
Ishizaki! Admittedly, I've been waiting for this for a long time. That he would make his debut with an own goal though I really didn't anticipate. I was feeling for him very much and I was disappointed with the other player's reactions. I took Misaki to get them together when it really should have been Tsubasa as the captain.

This a match that Nankatsu is destined to win and I'm looking forward so much to them playing against Jun's team. Genzo seems in good shape as well and his face-off against Hyuga will be - superb!
24 - 空中大決戦
The knockout phase starts! All the favourites win their first matches and advance, now it's up to Nankatsu. It will be interesting to see how they will be able to score against Nakanishi. Teamwork? Brute force? Tenacity?

It's still going to be a long tournament and I wonder if just a bit too much. I get that Tsubasa will evolve from match to match, imitating the Tachibana twin's acrobatic style in the last match for example, but I think I'm more interested in the overall development of Tsubasa and the team. I didn't think it would 98% soccer and I wonder if that still changes later.
25 - 俺が大会一のキーパーだ!
So who is this mysterious new person? He certainly made quite the entrance, even without saying a single word so far. I think he might be a keeper as well?

In the tournament, things are going as expected. Of course Nakanishi doesn't hold up to Genzo. In the end there wasn't really any story to how Tsubasa was able to score on him, I honestly thought it would be tougher for them. Maybe they will still be tougher for Nankatsu as one would be expect from the current momentum?
26 - ガラスのエース
Misugi Jun sitting out most of Musashi's games makes sense now, but wow, this is a depressing storyline. Will Misugi really not be able to play after the championship? And how good is he really, people were saying he's even better than Tsubasa. I'm more excited for this semifinal than for the eventual against Meiwa.
It's a smart thing they did, upping the ante with both star keepers - Genzo & Wakashimazu - returning from injury for the final. I can see Tsubasa and Nankatsu winning this, but will the series really move to Brazil? But we're not there yet at all, these two games should be around 10 more episodes!